Monday, September 13, 2010

I can't think of a good title so I'm not putting any. So there.

Today we had our lecture on Anselm's Proslogion (pronouced pros-LOG-i-on, with the emphasis on "log" and the G hard) which was fascinating, compared to the work itself. It was all about logic and syllogisms and the difference between a valid and a sound argument, and that than which no greater thing can be thought to exist ... ! Ahhh! *nerdy moment!*

And then I took a stroll around the shops, just for the fun of it. We did so much walking the first few days, that I'm beginning to get cabin fever, spending all the time in the dorm and lecture hall. It's very interesting to see all the stylish clothes; there's quite a bit I haven't seen, but perhaps I just don't get out to NYC often enough to notice!

What else is new ... ? Not much. Life is becoming routine, and it's a jolly nice routine, but as you can see, not a lot of pictures. I might perhaps go out some time and take pix of the streets round here; that could be very pretty. I'll think about it.

For now, a quick skim through some more books on Medieval Europe, and then one on chivalry; we have a lecture on chivalry tomorrow, which should be interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for chivalry! Speaking of cabin fever, you have inspired me to go take a walk!
    Loved your post about Academics (so why am I not posting something about it on its own entry?) I don't know! I'm lazy! really lazy, apparently! Anyways, unbelievable what we think we know college and university to mean and what they mean to someone else! CONFUSING!
