Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bridge of Sighs

Here is a really cool old bridge at Hertford College, which Evelyn Waugh used as material/background for his famous novel "Brideshead Revisited." I think they might have even filmed the mini-series there, as I seem to vaguely remember seeing the bridge sometime, somewhere before ... but that might just be me. The college was designed by the famous architect Christopher Wren, and just down the street from the bridge - sister-bridge to the Bridge of Sighs in Venice and in Cambridge - there lies the Turf Tavern, famous, I believe, as the oldest pub in Oxford, and for figuring frequently in the Inspector Morse TV series.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh! Lovely Bridge! Truly, that is beautiful!
    Oh and Rose, what play does Christopher Wren make you think of???
