Thursday, November 25, 2010

Where's My SNOW? ... and Words of the Week!

I was promised snow. It's not here ... yet. I hope it comes soon, or I'm going to have to have some words with the management.
Well, you can never trust a weatherman.
Anyway, very Happy Thanksgiving to all y'all! I went out to the store this morning (very bright and early, in an enthusiastic rush) to get cranberries, but of course, cranberries are out of season. The stock boy assured me they were very much out of season, and not to be found. Oh.

But it's Thanksgiving!

But I'm in England.

Ah ...

Well, I am going to try again after lunch, and see if I can't find another store. Otherwise, I will have to resort to the dried version, and have some scones and tea with that. Not a bad idea ... !

Oh! And here are some photos of the gardens at Christ Church ... again. I really love the gardens! Absolutely beautiful. I can't imagine what they must be like in May or June!

And, for all of you others, happy feast day as well :D I'm going to treat myself to something nice ... not sure what. Maybe CHOCOLATE!

Oh! And, words of the week:



And yes, you get to look them up yourselves; aren't you lucky! Enjoy :)

Have a wonderful weekend, and see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! :) I actually just picked up some cranberry sauce for mom this morning. I hope you find some cranberries! And even if you can't find those, treat yourself to some chocolate ;) You deserve it, I think.

    Those pictures are lovely! There's actually a place in Madison called Olbrich Garden's and it has some absolutely BE-awesome rose gardens and others!!!! Might have to take you there sometime ;)

    Hope to see you soon!!!!
