Tuesday, August 24, 2010


One week from tomorrow and I will be leavin' on a jet plane for the blustery isle of Angleterre! I am already packing - I'd post a photo of my luggage and luggage-contents, but my room is something of a natural-disaster wreckage area, sans the water, with floatsam and jetsam spewed energetically across the floor in piles of unrecognizable form and matter. And so for a week I have the task of rearranging these components into their proper shapes and identities, stuffing them all into the luggage (which is, thankfully, bigger on the inside than on the out ...!) and bracing myself for a rigorous semester. Of amazing literature. And awesome accents.
Not to mention tea and cucumber sandwiches. :)

Until later,
~ Catherine :)


  1. I'm so excited to hear about your adventure, Catherine! And not a little bit jealous . . . :) Good luck! I can't wait for more updates.

  2. Since Rose didn't bring me an food from Germany, could you try to bring a cucumber sandwich? Thanks!

  3. gosh Julia! I brought chocolate!
    So happy that your suitcase is bigger on the inside! :)

  4. Thanks, all, for reading! is that silly of me to be commenting on my own blog ... ? Oh well! Keep checking the blog, because soon enough, the adventure will begin, and you won't be able to keep up with all my crazy posts!

    As for the sandwiches, I'll see what I can do ... maybe just some marmalade ... ? I'll talk to Paddington and see what I can do :)
